Friday, December 31, 2010

I Don't Know What I'm Doing

I really don't know anything about a blog.  Yet, here I am...blogging. 

I stumbled into this strange world because I followed a link on my niece's Facebook page to her blog.  May Lynn - she's a writer, too - and somewhere on her blog there was a link for me to set up my  So here I am.  I feel like Alice only I've misplaced my Rabbit.  What to do next?  I should probably seek some advice from ...blogophiles?...about the best way to blog.  What a remarkable word.

Now here I am.

And you?  I wonder how you managed to find yourself reading this.  I suppose that's what I'll learn from the "philes:" how to attract you - entice you to come back.  I suppose there should be something interesting for you or it'll be "bye-bye" forever.

I guess I better have "Something To Say."  Pressure.  I think I chose that title as more of a goal than a reality - I worry that I'm not clear about what I have to say.  Not clear in my own mind - and if not there then probably not in the writing.

So part of this will be about exploring what I have to say. 

I'm a playwright.  So another part of this will be about the writing and the plays and the not-writing and the plays-to-be-but-not-quite-yet.  Theatre.  Readings.  Marketing.  Casting.  All that.  If I'm lucky, I'll write about productions of my plays. 

And I have a non-writing life, of course.  "Will that be three parts Writing to one part Life, Mr. Walker?"  Yes, I'd like that - and make it a stiff one.

So, here we are at the end of the First Post.  It's probably taken me over an hour to write this and I really sat down to the computer to answer Mae Lynn's Facebook message, wishing us a Merry Christmas.  I know, she wrote it a week ago or more and here I am on New Year's Eve day - in the middle of making a list of "what I'm going to do better/more of/less of" for next year.  I probably should have answered her last week and then I wouldn't have to put "Write SOMETHING in your blog" on the list.

Can I blame this on Facebook?


1 comment:

  1. Finding your voice is always the hardest part, once you do then figuring out what to say is the second. I was inspired by our conversation yesterday. I don't over think it. Sometimes it is better just to write.
